Spanning over seven decades of military social work literature, a new narrative review from Fordham GSS Professor Mary Ann Forgey, P.h.D., set out to grow an unfortunate dearth of understanding about international military social work with active service members.
The review, titled “A Narrative Review of the International Literature on Social Work within the Military,” was published in the journal International Social Work.
Forgey co-authored the piece with her long-time collaborator Karen Green Hurdle, along with many Fordham GSS Master of Social Work (MSW) and Ph.D. in Social Work graduates. These included:
- Jonathan Marsh, Ph.D., GSS ’24
- Shenae Osborn, GSS ’21
- Lashawn Smith, doctoral student
- Erica M. Ponteen, Ph.D., GSS ’22
- Yafei Cai, GSS ’16
- Kundong He, GSS ’16
- Don Rooks, GSS ’17
“Of the 92 countries searched, 24 produced at least one publication about military social work with active military service members,” the article abstract reads. “Major themes identified among the articles reviewed included: the general scope of practice, practice in mental health and trauma, practice with special populations, practice with families, interdisciplinary practice and collaboration, ethical issues and dilemmas, and education and training.”