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Goldkind, Farmer Speak at GADE 2022 Annual Conference


Fordham GSS Associate Professors Lauri Goldkind, Ph.D. and G. Lawrence Farmer, Ph.D., both spoke at this year’s Group for the Advancement of Doctoral Education in Social Work (GADE) 2022 Annual Conference.

On the conference’s first day, Farmer introduced Goldkind, who gave the opening plenary. Her talk was titled “Social work and AI: Into the matrix,” and explored the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in social work education and practice.

Farmer, co-president of GADE, also spoke at the conference during the session “Revising PhD quality guidelines: What revisions are needed to advance anti-racism, equity, diversity, and inclusion?” Additionally, Farmer introduced speakers Dr. Elizabeth Lightfoot and Dr. Cynthia Franklin, and provided closing remarks on the conference’s final day.

The conference spanned over three days (May 23-25) and was hosted by the University of Utah School of Social Work. The conference theme was Societal Shifts and the Changing Landscape of Doctoral Education: Research, Pedagogy, and Public Impact.

To learn more about the conference, visit the event program.


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