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MSW Student Reflects on the Life and Legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for NASW-NJ Magazine


Graduate School of Social Service MSW student Resia Cooper was recently featured in the NASW-NJ bimonthly magazine, Focus, for a piece she wrote in honor of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Congratulations, Resia!

The piece, titled “A Reflection on the Life and Legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,” spoke to the impact Dr. King has had on Cooper as a social worker in her advocacy for what is right.

“As social workers, we often find ourselves between a rock and a hard place. We must choose: do we stay with the status quo and take the easy road, or do we stand up and speak out for what is right—for human rights,” Cooper wrote. “If we can learn anything from Dr. King, it would be to heed the call of what is just and right; and that whatever you are called to do, give it your best and do it with your all.”


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