Fordham Social Workers Stand in Solidary with Ukraine and Call for an End to Tyranny
Dear GSS Community,
On February 24th, the world watched in horror and heartbreak as the Russian military poured across the peaceful borders of Ukraine. For seven days, the tyranny of Vladimir Putin has resulted in the escalating terror and killing of peaceful citizens of a democratic nation.
The Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service joins with social work colleagues across the globe and with all those who respect the dignity of human life against the unlawful and unprovoked war initiated by the Russian government against Ukraine.
We condemn Putin’s violation of the fundamental human rights of Ukrainian citizens, the environmental degradation, and senseless long-term social, economic, and psychological trauma inflicted upon Ukrainian and surrounding nations.
We grieve the human cost, the loss of life, and unimaginable suffering of so many unprotected individuals, families, and communities.
We stand in solidarity and urge all those who stand for dignity, liberty, peace, and justice to do everything possible to support the embattled nation of Ukraine.
We express our deep compassion for all those who are suffering as a result of this war. Those directly exposed to armed conflict, as well as those displaced from their homes, their communities, and country and forced to seek refuge abroad. And, we reach out with compassion to the many family and friends who must witness the atrocities of this war from a distance with no ability to intervene and or protect the ones they love.
We offer our support and admiration to the brave citizens of Ukraine who are speaking out against terror, violence, and political oppression and for those on the frontlines working to protect and preserve lives.
We recognize the millions of individuals who deeply identify with the people of Ukraine, who have suffered the ravages of past wars, and those around the globe currently subjected to armed conflict. We call for the recognition of the fundamental human right of all persons to seek refuge and safety and to live free from violence and oppression independent of nationality, gender, race, or creed.
We call for a swift, just, and peaceful end to tyranny on behalf of the Ukrainian people.
In Solidarity,
Debra M. McPhee, Ph.D.
Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service