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Are You Looking for Ways to Take Social Action?


Are you looking for ways to take social action? Fordham GSS students are organizing a platform for streamlined information containing ways you can get involved and lend your voice to the fight for social justice.

Beginning with the Women’s March on Saturday, January 21st, numerous GSS students joined 4,834,000 marchers around the world to call for change and social justice. Using the momentum gathered through the Women’s March on Washington and the Sister Marches across the globe, the National Committee has launched a campaign: “10 Actions for the first 100 Days”.

Fordham GSS students engaged with the first callby writing 700 letters to their senators. The second call to action is to “HUDDLE.” As stated by the Women’s March National Committee, “We’ll visualize what a more equitable, just, safer and freer world could look like four years from now — and we’ll work backwards to figure out what we need to do, starting today, to get there. Huddles are meant to be positive, inclusive, action-oriented and grounded in the tradition of nonviolent resistance.”

The newly formed social action group hopes to be a representative group of the GSS community that can encourage and inform other GSS students how to continue their engagement with the Women’s March calls to action, as well as other forms of social justice advocacy.

If you are interested in helping a steering committee gather and disperse information and organize ways for community members to get involved with advocacy, please reach out to Maddy Lee at Knowing that graduate students have many commitments, the responsibilities of tasks will be delegated and discussed mainly through electronic communication, including Skype and email, with the occasional meeting when schedules permit.

The invitation for us to come together as a community of social workers to envision a just society is also a call for inclusiveness. It is an invitation that includes all of us regardless of political affiliation and renews our commitment to listen to diverse views and perspectives.

Previous Actions

Madeleine Lee
MSW Student

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