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Two GSS Faculty Contribute Chapters to New Book on Active Learning in Social Work


GSS faculty members Dana Marlowe, Ph.D. and Gregory Acevedo, Ph.D., have both served as contributors to a recent release on active learning in social work education.

The book, titled Active Learning Lessons, Activities, and Assignments for the Modern Social Work Educator and published by Routledge, “infuses the field of social work with dynamic and evidence-based active learning, offering fresh ideas to increase students’ abilities to effectively implement their social work practice.”

Marlowe and Acevedo co-authored the chapter “Social Work Technology”.

Marlowe also authored the following chapters:

  • “History of Social Work Practice”
  • “Groupwork Skills Role-Play and Using Activities in a Therapeutic Group”
  • “Home Visits Role-Plays”
  • “Social Justice Issues”

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