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Judith Smith Writes for Social Work Today on Self-Care for Older Mothers With Difficult Adult Children


Fordham GSS faculty member Judith Smith, Ph.D., wrote for the spring 2022 issue of Social Work Today on how individuals caring for, living with, or worrying about a family member can implement a self-care practice to help them cope with the difficulties that come along with that responsibility.

The piece, titled “Self-Care for Older Mothers With Difficult Adult Children,” extrapolates on some of the issues discussed in Smith’s newest book, Difficult: Mothering Challenging Adult Children Through Conflict and Change.

Smith also discussed the book with us back in January. You can read the full interview here.

“These days, self-care is a popular term, often used by people who want to sell body lotions and bath products, yoga mats, and weighted blankets,” Smith wrote for Social Work Today. “It can be off-putting to hear it used so often in marketing promotions and social media campaigns—#selfcare! But the fact is, self-care is essential to everyone, especially those who are looking after the needs of others. At its most basic level, the notion of self-care is contained in the words themselves: care for the self.”

Read the rest of the Social Work Today article here.


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